Grass time, check. Paper time, check. Now I’m just keeping up with new papers instead of going through piles. There are virtually no visible piles! Cool!
Drawing time, check. In process and a minor disaster, so no photo. I think I’ll just admit that when it comes to art, while I love making works that are representational, I am one lazy drawer so I get something more toward primitive. I’m just so anxious to get to the part with the colors!
Best of all, day 13 included a nice long wordless interlude. And tomorrow will include one as well, as I’m hosting a wordless walk in the swamp in the morning. I’m a big fan of wordlessness as a way to still our overactive minds and connect with our deeper selves and the beautiful world around us. Today, my sweetheart and I scouted a couple of trails. I knew there would be a lot of water, and I was right. But when it’s warm, what’s better than an Amazon-like experience of wading shin deep along swamp trails?
We saw two owls, a bunch of ibis, a yellow crowned night heron, a deer, a bunny and several squirrels, along with countless spiders and dragonflies.
Check out this cute of an ibis sharing our wordless walk with us. I especially love the symphony of swamp sounds in the background. Click here for the video! wordlessness with an ibis (What happened to YouTube video previews? boo!)
And here are the ibis a little more close up. I love their curved beaks!
Here’s to wordless interludes – they make such a difference for me – I just soak up the sounds and scents and breathe and relax. Are you fitting wordlessness into your days? I would love to hear about it!