Wordless Walk #5
17 Saturday Mar 2012
Posted nature, walks, wordlessness
in17 Saturday Mar 2012
Posted nature, walks, wordlessness
in16 Friday Mar 2012
Posted nature, walks, wordlessness
in15 Thursday Mar 2012
Posted nature, walks, wordlessness
in13 Tuesday Mar 2012
Posted nature, walks, wordlessness
Jean Lafitte National Park, Martha Beck, New Orleans, swamp, virtual wordless walk, wordless walk, wordlessness
For the next bunch of days, I’m going to post a photo a day from recent wordless walk. I don’t actually take photos when I host the walk – I think it’s a distraction – but I do take them when I scout the route. And I have a bunch of lovely ones that I haven’t shared yet!
While you enjoy these relaxing photos, I’ll be learning and connecting at the Martha Beck Coaches’ Summit in Phoenix – I’m so excited! I know I’ll have tons to write about when I return…
And if you live in the New Orleans area (or know someone who does who would be interested) I’ll be hosting the next Wordless Walk on Saturday, March 26. Click on the Happenings page to get more information.
Now, if you like, take a couple of lovely breaths and savor a quiet wordless moment for yourself. Ahhh…. spring has come to the swamp!
24 Tuesday Jan 2012
Posted walks, wordlessness
inYou can do this anywhere. While you might imagine a wordless walk happening in a peaceful forest or deserted beach, it’s just as possible to enjoy wordlessness in a busy airport or city streetscape.
Here’s what I do.
1. Breathe. No, really. Feel your breath actually expanding your lungs instead of that shallow stuff you’re doing most of the time because you’re so busy thinking. (I have to remind myself of this, that’s why I’m reminding you too!)
2. Soften your gaze. Find an object (a tree, a building, a Cinnabon store) in the middle of your visual field. Look at it, then while still looking at it, widen your peripheral vision as far as you can to include everything around it. Bring the object you’re looking at to the foreground, then make it the background, just by shifting your focus.
3. Listen. Listen to all the sounds around you. Birdsong, car horns, the wind, airport announcers – take it all in. Now try to hear the space between the sounds.
4. Walk slowly with your gaze soft and your ears open. You can also use your sense of smell – flowers? ocean? cinnamon rolls? – to bring yourself to the present.
5. Walk for as long as you like, using your softened yet heightened senses to keep you in the present moment. Keep breathing. If you find yourself drifting into thoughts of the past or future, you can help snap yourself back to the now simply by asking yourself to look around – really look. Really listen. Just be – without any need to be doing anything else. And let me know how it goes! I’d love to hear about your experiments with wordless walking!